This is not a joke!!!!
Okay OKAY I know how this sounds. I know how impossible this is.
But it's true.
I now have a copy of UNDERTALE that is haunted. With a real ghost.
Okay, let me start over. From the very beginning. When I was in 3rd grade I forgot my lunch at home- okay maybe that's a little too early. Anyway I befriended chris over our shared love of stolen twinkies. You know how it is. We've been friends since- (excluding the time he ruined the bro-code by dating Jenny and TBH i'm never going to fully forgive him for that :/) Anyway 5 years back we found out about UNDERTALE when we watched Stronger Than You on youtube. (A certified classic.) chris is a bit of an edgy son of a gun and played the kill-all-route. After fighting Undyne the Undying for what seemed like a million years he finally reached the pinicale of gaming... the hardest boss ever.......

If you could believe it, he hadn't been spoiled by this fight. Okay so we knew there was a Sans fight, and that he's got his hardcore lore and stuff. But he didn't know how the fight actually went! So the mad lad fought Sans for hours and hours, and this is like, so soon after the undying hell he went through with Undyne before, so you can imagine how frustrated he was. But then it happened. He did it. He got to the point where sans spares you.
And guess what the idiot did. I'll give you ONE guess. HE SPARED HIM! HE GOT DUNKED ON. It was the dunk of the centruy. If you know my buddy chris like at ALL, you'd know the fit he threw. Poets will write about this dunk for ever. So he did what any sensible gamer would do...
He threw his laptop into his basement like it was trash.
Yeah. Yeah a bit of an over-correction there, chris. You idiot. You dumb dumb. How could he ever think sans would be so stupid to actually spare you. uh, duh. Anyway so like chris is furious about this for years and he didn't even know how the route ended for like, years. so stupid >_>
Years later and a lot has changed. I graduated highschool, got married and had a kid. (shout out to my baby girl, Lily!) I lost contact with Chris. We just kinda... drifted away after we graduated. Nothing bad happened, it just be like that someetimes you know? Except... one day I got a email from Chris. I was like, oh dang, that Chris? My BUDDY Chris? So of coruse I clicked the email... This is what it said:
![screenshot of an email with the information blocked out. text reads: dear [REDACTED], its me chris. i have died and now haunt this undertale file. meet me there.- chris](img/nightfell/chris_email.png)
No WAY is Chris dead. No no no way. To this day I don't believe it. But upon downloading that save file... I found THIS GAME.
You know how in UNDERTALE you wake up on some buttercups? Well in this one you wake up on RED ones. And who is this??? I'm playing as?? The world is SOOO different. It's like it's grown a mind of it's own...
The game takes place at night so i've decied to name the game NIGHTFELL.